William Shatner now has his own comic-book imprint

In news that increases the likelihood of someone staring up at the ceiling and shouting “EXCELSIOOOOOOOR!” by some incalculable amount, William Shatner is teaming up Stan Lee for the launch of the Star Trek star’s new comic book imprint. Or rather, a “Cinematic Graphic Novel” imprint, with Shatner working with LNL Partners to produce animated novels that aren’t quite cartoons, and aren’t quite comic books, but might well be 100 percent Shatner.

LNL and the famed actor, tricyclist, and singing enthusiast aren’t revealing what the initial offerings from Shatner Singularity (which will also publish traditional comics) will be, although at least one of the titles will be from Lee’s Pow! Entertainment. (Somewhere, America’s strident Tekwar and “Star Trek novels where Captain Kirk is the center of the universe” fans are getting really excited.) More details will be announced at Lee’s own Comikaze Expo on November 1, where the two men will lead a panel together, opening up the possibility that the “Shatner Singularity” is just what happens when two forces of incredibly hammy nerd-friendly patriarchy come into contact with one another.

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