Win a 6-month membership to grindhouse streaming service

Launched back in August by cult DVD/Blu-ray label Vinegar Syndrome, is a streaming service for viewers whose tastes run towards the outrageous and extreme, and makes an excellent supplement to more mainstream services like Netflix. The service has been steadily expanding its library—for example, last Friday it added the animated X-rated fairy-tale anthology Once Upon A Girl, the intriguingly titled Lust Inferno, and the sleazy grindhouse flick Eight Ball—as part of its mission to preserve the largely forgotten legacy of exploitation filmmaking.

Now three readers will have the opportunity to sample’s offerings with a free six-month membership to the streaming service (plans usually start at $7 a month), along with a groovy T-shirt. For your chance to win, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Vinegar Syndrome.” Be sure to include your name, mailing address, and T-shirt size (S-XXL) in the body of the email. We’ll select three winners from our eligible entries on Tuesday, November 17, and notify them via email. After that, all you’ll need to complete the grindhouse experience are the sticky floors—although, depending on your cleaning habits, you might already have that one covered.

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