Win a free badge to the CMJ Music Marathon

Maybe you are (or were) the star of a college radio show, or maybe you just like music a lot. And maybe you’d like to hear a lot of it live in a few dense days together. We might be able to help you out.

This year’s CMJ Music Marathon is taking place in New York Oct. 20-24, in dozens of venues across the city, and The A.V. Club New York is giving away two badges to the whole thing. That means open access to clubs, panel discussions, screenings, and more shows than you could possibly attend, including some from the likes of Cymbals Eat Guitars, The Antlers, Pig Destroyer, Múm, Suckers, and loads more. Take a look at the current line-up, as it stands so far, here.

Now for the contest: If you want to win a badge, we’ll need your best concert story. Doesn’t matter when and where the concert took place, but if you want to take on the challenge—nay, the marathon—that is CMJ, we want to make sure you’re up for it. Give us something from your own working version of Fargo Rock City or that first scene in Almost Famous when the kid waits to rock outside the arena.

Send your tale by e-mail to [email protected], with "CMJ Music Marathon" in the subject line and your full name and phone number in the body, by Friday Oct. 2 at 4 p.m. EST, and we’ll pick the winner. Try to keep your story under 400 words. That should be enough for now.

Best of luck!

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