Win an original Matt Groening drawing, and see The Simpsons at Hollywood Bowl this weekend

Win an original Matt Groening drawing, and see The Simpsons at Hollywood Bowl this weekend

As we told you a couple of months ago, The Simpsons is set to make a glorious live debut at the Hollywood Bowl this weekend (tickets here!), in a show featuring Hank Azaria, Matt Groening, Weird Al, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and other surprises. In celebration of the event, Groening drew a Bart and they gave it to us to give to one of you lucky ducks. You’ve got to jump through a couple of hoops, though, because this is a special, one-of-a-kind prize. Go to our Facebook page and find the post about this contest, and comment with your favorite Simpsons song. We’ll pick a grand prize winner from those who participate, as well as five runners-up, who will each win a poster from the event. An electronic representation of the drawing is below, and below that you’ll find a video touting the event, with interviews from the show’s creative team. Good luck!

(ARV of grand prize: Priceless. ARV of second prizes: $20. One grand prize winner will be chosen at random from all eligible Facebook entries on or about September 12, 2014; an eligible entry will consist of the name of a song that has appeared on The Simpsons. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON.)

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