Win three books about Old Hollywood, plus copies of three classic movies

Everyone knows about the general existence of actors like Vivien Leigh and about films like Chariots Of Fire, but even the nerdiest pop culture nerds may not have actually seen the latter or really know anything about the former. Fortunately, The A.V. Club is here to help. We’re giving away three new books from Running Press: Vivien Leigh: An Intimate Portrait by Kendra Bean and Claire Bloom, George Hurrell’s Hollywood: Glamour Portraits by Mark A. Vieira, and Majestic Hollywood: The Greatest Films of 1939, again by Vieira. These three books provide intimate looks behind the scenes at the golden age of the silver screen, and should give readers a better sense of what the term “Old Hollywood” really means. Ten lucky A.V. Club readers will pick up all three books, while one incredibly lucky grand prize winner will pick up not only the three books, but also a classic Hollywood DVD set featuring copies of Warner Brothers’ Gone With The Wind, Chariots Of Fire, and Singing In The Rain.

Interested parties can enter the contest using the widget below. Deadline for entries is next Thursday, April 3 and entrants must be at least 18 years old. Winners will be chosen at random. ARV of grand prize: $168. ARV of the books alone: $113.

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