Winona Ryder, Alfred Molina, that guy you like on The Walking Dead join David Simon’s HBO miniseries

Weary of pummeling the world with tales of entrenched corruption and institutional racism, David Simon has decided to take a break and make an escapist superhero fantasy.

Just kidding.

David Simon would never do that.

His new HBO miniseries is called Show Me A Herowhich only sounds like the tagline to The Amazing Spider-Man 3, but is actually the tale of an idealistic young mayor’s downfall. Inside Llewyn Davis’ Oscar Isaac stars as Mayor Nick Wasicsko, who finds himself in the eye of a political shitstorm after a federal court orders him to build housing projects in 1980s Yonkers, New York. Catherine Keener and Jim “call me James” Belushi have also signed on in supporting roles.

Now three more pieces in the most depressing puzzle since “1000-piece Drug War” are in place, as Winona Ryder, Alfred Molina, and Jon Bernthal (a.k.a. Shane on The Walking Dead) have joined the cast. Ryder will play a Yonkers councilwoman and Wasicsko’s confidante; Molina is the head of the housing opposition; and Bernthal will play a lawyer representing the NAACP in its anti-discrimination case against the city. Show Me A Hero is tentatively set to debut in 2016, by which time we should be even more screwed.

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