Wolf Of Wall Street lawsuit refuted with classic "second shitty toupee" defense

Back in February, it was reported that former Stratton Oakmont broker Andrew Greene had lodged a defamation suit against the producers of Wolf Of Wall Street, claiming they had deceptively represented him—a practice that anyone who worked as a broker for Stratton Oakmont would certainly be qualified to identify. The basis for Greene’s argument is that the character of Nicky “Rugrat” Koskoff, so named for his shitty toupee, participated in a series of demeaning, misogynistic pastimes in between his epic abuse of drugs and the financial system, all behaviors that Greene clearly recognized as his own. As such, Greene filed a very public suit to ensure that neither the popular film nor its differently named character would ever be associated with him. Andrew Greene, that is.

Now Paramount has responded, arguing that—as explained in the credits—the film dramatizes true events by creating composite characters from Belfort’s many awful employees. Furthermore, it’s volleyed back with a classic argument long favored by the most maverick of attorneys and conspiracy theorists: The Second Shitty Toupee.

“The viewers who had read the underlying Book would know that the Book described two financial executives affiliated with Stratton Oakmont who used ridiculous hairpieces,” the filing replies, noting that Greene was not the only one with a wig that is now, thanks to his own actions, officially documented by the courts as being fucking hilarious. In fact, there was another Stratton employee, Gary Kaminsky, who had his own shitty toupee, and it was Kaminsky who introduced Belfort to Swiss bankers—a role performed by the character that Greene claims is based on him.

Attorneys for Greene have yet to respond, as they are likely busy formulating an argument that, similarities in shitty toupees notwithstanding, their client is clearly the bigger dickbag.

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