Woody Allen and Louis C.K are talking about making a movie together

Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine is set to open in a few weeks, and he’s already in production on his next film with Colin Firth and Emma Stone. But in the press leading up to his most recent film, Allen and Louis C.K. have both started talking about another possible future project together, one that came about during C.K.’s three-day shooting stint on Blue Jasmine.  First The New York Times ArtsBeat blog talked to Woody Allen about casting C.K., whom Allen was interested in after seeing him in a lurid Louie promo sketch with Bobby Cannvale. After originally having him read for the part that eventually went to Andrew Dice Clay, Allen hired C.K. and quickly realized he'd like to team with him on another comedy, one he expresses vague hope about making in the near future.

Following up, today ArtsBeat talked with C.K. in the Emmy nomination aftermath, where he recounted getting his “Woody moment to take home” on the set of Blue Jasmine, and confirmed that Allen had called him aside on set to ask him about possibly starring in a movie together. C.K. was quick to tamp down expectations, saying, “It all starts in [Allen’s] head,” and adding that he’s got the next season of Louie to think about. There's also the small matter of Allen's (equally vague) plans about maybe returning to stand-up. But, considering how quickly Allen continues to crank out movies still, it's well within the realm of possibility that it could happen soon.

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