Woody Allen’s travelogue period continues with a stop in glamorous Rhode Island

Woody Allen fans sometimes refer to the last decade of the filmmaker’s career as his “travelogue period,” by which they mean the era of his career in which Woody realized that he can embark on a bunch of paid vacations to famous places and write off his café indulgences as work expenses. That endless sojourn continues with Allen’s next project, in which the New Yorker will chase cinematic detours to London, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, and San Francisco with a trip to the most exotic, glamorous tourist destination of them all: Rhode Island.

The Boston Globe reports that the previously announced, as-yet untitled film featuring Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone will begin shooting this July in the country’s smallest state. This being a Woody Allen movie, plot details are sketchy, though the Globe has revealed that the film will be a “contemporary story” and feature “academics, graduate students and middle and working-class characters.” Translation: Allen is going to offer another well-informed treatise on class warfare, but this time without shots of the River Thames or the Golden Gate Bridge to distract us.

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