Work is over, make it better with your own Daft Punk keyboard

Codepen programmer Malik Dellidj has whipped up DaftPunKonsole—a fun, web-based app that lets you create your own arrangement of Daft Punk’s 2001 “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.” Built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Dellidji’s keyboard-based console takes advantage of the song’s simple lyrical structure that pairs two sets of eight-word phrases, and alternates their word order.

In addition to being able to play the complete lyrics (depending on you how ladder together the keystrokes), the console allows you to play the background instrumentals, and vary the pitch. So feel free to start off “more than ever, hour after” and make your way to “ever harder, work it over, do it never, makes us make it.” Or whatever.

Futuristic chrome helmets not included.

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