World's ultimate wife guy builds rotating house to give his spouse better window views

Vojin Kusic is a 72-year-old who taught himself how to make a spinning home

World's ultimate wife guy builds rotating house to give his spouse better window views
Dead Or Alive’s classic single, now in literal form. Screenshot: VOA News

Aside from Shah Jahan, we know of no other wife guy quite as devoted to architectural displays of marital love as Vojin Kusic, who has completed work on a rotating house that he built in order to give his spouse better views from the window.

Speaking to Reuters, Kusic said that he “got tired of [his wife’s] complaints and frequent refurbishing of our family house” and, as a logical solution to this problem, told her “I’ll build you a rotating house so you can spin it as you wish.”

To achieve this small feat, Kusic spent six years working away on the carousel house, which is located outside of Srbac, Bosnia and now “spins around a seven-metre axis” that gives a rotating view “of cornfields and farmland changing to forests and the river at a desired speed.” Citing inspiration from Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin, Kusic said “that coming from a poor family without the possibility of a good education had forced him to look for ways to make things by himself.”

Accordingly, he plugged away at the project bit by bit, taking a bit of a break only “for a hospital stay due to a heart condition” and downplaying his accomplishment by saying the house “is not an innovation.”

“It only requires will and knowledge,” Kusic said. “And I had enough time and knowledge.”

During his time in hospital, Kusic “asked [the] doctors to try to prolong [my life] for at least a year because I have this project in my head and … nobody will know how to complete it.” Now that it’s finished, his wife can sit as the house completes an entire circle over 24 hours when it’s set to its lowest speed or, when she’s feeling like enjoying a homemade carnival ride, speed things up so it finishes a full circle in only 22 seconds.

Mrs. Kusic didn’t provide comment on the story, which is understandable, as she is likely too busy playing around with a camera, filming her own versions of Jamiroquai videos to bother talking to press about her cool new house.

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