Wyatt Cenac tells the real Mario Bros. story on our new game show

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Welcome to the premiere of Pick A Choice, The A.V. Club’s game of fantastical, pop cultural decision-making! Comedian Wyatt Cenac—whose latest stand-up special, Brooklyn, is available on Netflix streaming—was courageous enough to be the first contestant on the show. It’s easy to play: In each round, our guest draws two cards from a deck filled with famous names (both real and fictional) and one card from a deck of scenarios. Then it’s time to pick! a! choice! by deciding who you think would be a better fit for the given scenario. Would you rather get a haircut from Nell Carter or Bender Bending Rodriguez? Who would you hire as your psychotherapist, Lara Croft or the members of Menudo?

Wyatt proved a quick study in the series premiere, digging deep into his personal interpretation of Mario Bros. mythology as he debates whether Luigi or Shia LaBeouf would do a better job of spending a $100 Amazon gift card on his behalf. And if you were wondering where Wyatt Cenac stood on the matter of coffee-maker brand preferences, watch the video and all will be revealed.

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