X's Exene Cervenka reveals she has multiple sclerosis

Spin.com has an item on Exene Cervenka, co-leader of the famed punk band X's recent revelation that she's suffering from the multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that affects the body's central nervous system. Cervenka, 53, received the diagnosis after a period of, in her words, "not feeling 100 percent healthy." Cervenka has said that she has no plans to let her condition interfere with X's current tour or an upcoming solo album. "Many people remain strong and continue to live their lives as productively as they had before an MS diagnosis," Cervenka's said in a statement, "and I plan to be one of those people.

Cervenka and X have long worked with Sweet Relief, an organization to help musicians without insurance. The organization was inspired by singer/songwriter Victoria Williams, who also suffers from MS. They have a website here.

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