Yeasayer releases its new album via online scavenger hunt

Yeasayer releases its new album via online scavenger hunt

In an attempt to beat the Internet at its own game, Yeasayer has decided to release all the tracks from its upcoming album Fragrant World, which isn’t due in stores until August 21. Instead of just handing it over, though, Yeasayer is releasing songs on different sites hidden across the web that can only be uncovered via an online scavenger hunt. The tracks will be accompanied by visuals by Japanese artist Yoshi Sodeoka.

The Brooklyn-based group has got a thing for artful methods of dissemination: Earlier in the year, it sent out 200 hard copies of Fragrant World’s first single, “Henrietta,” to fans on the band's mailing list—a maneuver previewed by cryptic utterances of "HNRTTA on the band’s Twitter page. Yeasayer will be tweeting similar clues to discover the rest of the tracks throughout the week—so far posting things like "DMNRDNM" and "R!E!A!G!A!N!'S!S!K!E!L!E!T!O!N!”—while “Blue Paper” has already popped up on Wired’s site. Fans should begin looking soon: They’ll all be taken down at 8 p.m. on August 3.

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