Yes, the Outlawz smoked Tupac's ashes

Yes, the Outlawz smoked Tupac's ashes

Confirming a long-standing rumor, the members of Tupac Shakur’s former group Outlawz have offered a detailed explanation of that time they all got together after Tupac’s funeral and smoked his ashes, capping off a memorial beach party by rolling an extra-special joint laced with their leader's remains. “[We] threw [in] a lot of shit he liked at the beach. Some weed, some chicken wings, he loved orange soda—Pac loved that kind of shit,” Young Noble says in the below video interview with VladTV, by way of setting the scene. Fellow group member E.D.I. Mean then chimes in, “If you listen to ‘Black Jesus,’ he said, "Last wishes, niggas smoke my ashes.’ That was a request that he had. Now, how serious he was about it? We took it serious.” Indeed, they took it so seriously, Noble says, “We twisted up some of that great-grandaddy California kush and mixed the big homie with it, so you know, he’s flowin' through our system."

Not surprisingly, the story—perfectly timed with their aptly named album Perfect Timing, due Sept. 13—has generated more attention for The Outlawz than they’ve seen in over a decade, with the group weighing in on Twitter, “We could feed #1000000 somolians [sic] and still couldnt get the press we gettin right now…lol #pacuagenius.” We suppose that would depend on what you fed them. [via TMZ]

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