Yes, Tracy Morgan would still like to have sex with Sarah Palin

Yes, Tracy Morgan would still like to have sex with Sarah Palin

Unbowed by TNT’s recent, video-response-preempting apology to Sarah Palin, Tracy Morgan boldly reaffirmed his position that she is attractive during a red carpet interview at the SAG Awards, interrupting a string of inanities from E! praying mantis Giuliana Rancic by yelling, “Sarah Palin, you're the hottest MILF in the world!" As Rancic looked on, confused by the sudden loud noises and rubbing her calves together as a distress signal, Morgan continued shouting, “You’re a MILF!” This is easily the hottest pas de deux between a politician and a sitcom star since Alex Karras made a drunken pass at Geraldine Ferraro.

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