Yoda using normal sentence construction, these videos have

Star Wars' preeminent swamp goblin gets his speech patterns rearranged in fan videos

Yoda using normal sentence construction, these videos have
“My way of speaking, you’re fucking with? Stand, this will not.” Screenshot: TNT

Showing us a version of Yoda we are unfamiliar with, these videos have. Now, reverse writing we use to order restore. Yes, a major pain in the ass it is to do it this way. For introduction, only suitable it is. Normal speaking Yoda you must watch now so over with this idea we can get.

In the first video, with clips taken from the Star Wars prequels when Yoda became a little CGI guy instead of a cool puppet, we’re shown the kind of memory perversion that YouTube channel Chewie’s Meme Town is interested in offering up. Though it’s a simple enough idea—Yoda’s dialogue is edited so his words fit typical English sentence construction—the effect is kind of upsetting. Frank Oz should not be croaking out the wrinkly green space wizard’s lines in this way. It sounds wrong.

Even worse is a second part that shows us Yoda talking to Luke in the original trilogy. (Be forewarned: A SpongeBob sample is tossed into this one around 30 seconds in and it’s about the twice the volume of the rest of the clip.)

Yoda’s dialogue here makes less sense than in part one, probably due to some combination of the older performance and script making it harder to remix into order. The bigger issue, though, is hearing him speak these rearranged sentences when their original construction has already been burned into our brains from too many childhood The Empire Strikes Back viewings. It’s as uncomfortable as trying to run a swamp obstacle course with a gasping green puppet strapped to your back.

At least Baby Yoda can’t speak and remains, for now at least, impervious to evil fan experiments designed to mutate him from adorable alien into new, strangely unsettling forms. Actually… nevermind.

[via Boing Boing]

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