You can watch the first episode of NBC's Awake right now

It won’t officially debut until March 1, but NBC is already hoping to create excitement for its midseason drama Awake—or rather, reignite any excitement that may have been dampened by it being constantly delayed and neglected in favor of stuff like The Firm. To that end, it’s gone ahead and put the entire first episode online, which you can watch below. The sci-fi drama concerns a detective (Jason Isaacs) who awakes—THEY SAID THE TITLE!—from a car accident to discover that he’s caught between two realities: one in which his wife survived and his son didn’t, and another where the opposite is true. It comes from producer Kyle Killen, whose quickly euthanized underdog Lone Star earned him enough critical goodwill that everyone is already rooting for this show while also fearing its swift cancellation. Get in on that early by watching it now and letting everyone know what you think (except maybe your boss).

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