You have until 7 p.m. tonight to get a free Slurpee

Hey, feeling bummed out about the state of the American political system—or about the new Ghostbusters movie, if you must—and need a little pick-me-up? Or maybe you already had your afternoon pick-me-up (that’s a stoner joke, in case you’ve already indulged), and need a little snack?

Well, either way, 7-11 is giving away free Slurpees at its stores until 7 p.m. (presumably local time) tonight, according to Refinery 29. They’re only giving away smalls, but you can do that thing where you fill up the cup, walk around the store for a while, drink half of it while you pretend to look at taquitos, then fill it up again before you leave. The people there probably won’t stop you. They work at 7-11, they have bigger problems.

Anyway, it’s the Slurpee’s 50th anniversary, which is why the company is giving them away. That, and to get you into the store and staring at those taquitos, slowly turning on the hot-dog warmer like little soggy, greasy reminders of humanity’s essential loneliness. They’re better than they look, actually. And yes, that is a back-handed compliment.

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