You know what The Force Awakens could have used? Some garlic bread

Now that J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens is finally available for home viewing, fans can do what they hopefully didn’t do in the theaters—for example, enjoy the film while gnawing on a big, fragrant hunk of garlic bread. While garlic bread is the perfect accompaniment to the film’s mixture of deep space heroics and inter-generational politics, most cineplexes frown on patrons bringing such distracting foods with them into the theater. Imgur user GuyGoald is making up for lost time with a gallery of looping images entitled The Garlic Awakens. The premise could not be more simple or intuitive: Take any moment from The Force Awakens and add a loaf of garlic bread to it. Voila. Instant improvement. This could be read as a parody of George Lucas’ notorious ex post facto changes to his own Star Wars movies. Or it could just be that GuyGoald finds garlic bread hilarious. Either way, it’s a match made in cinematic and culinary heaven.

Remember that fraught, late-in-the-film confrontation between Daisy Ridley and Mark Hamill? Here’s how that would have looked with some garlic bread.

And when Adam Driver, as brooding, tortured Kylo Ren, uses the Force to summon his lightsaber? That’s right. It’s garlic bread now.

The entire, gloriously superfluous gallery is embedded below. Readers should be forewarned that an irresistible hankering for garlic bread is a near certainty. Those on a low-carb diet are advised to proceed with caution.

[via Cheezburger]

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