You should be excited about Madonna's new single, says Madonna's new single

You should be excited about Madonna's new single, says Madonna's new single

In advance of Sunday's Super Bowl halftime show, Madonna has released a video for her new single, "Give Me All Your Luvin.'" It's worth hearing, if only to get better acquainted with the snoozy new number sandwiched between "Into The Groove" and "Vogue" at the game. The song tries hard contemporary, awkwardly inserting Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. into a mid-song dubstep breakdown, and is just as aggressive about re-establishing Madonna in a prominent pop-culture role. With its cheerleader "Madonna!" chant and self-aggrandizing lyrics—"Every record sounds the same, you've gotta step into my world"—"Luvin" is as much a commercial for the forthcoming MDNA as its own song. (Congrats "Don't Tell Me," you're still the "last" great Madonna single.) Check out the video below.

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