You should get all of your real estate advice from Vanilla Ice

You should get all of your real estate advice from Vanilla Ice

Navigating the world of real estate investing can be tricky even for the financially savvy, so in these uncertain times, why not seek consultation from Vanilla Ice? The former rapper has established the new website, where interested parties can order a free copy of the Vanilla Ice Real Estate Investing Supercourse—described as a “straight-up guide” that provides “off-the-hook training” in making money from flipping houses, much like Ice does on his reality show, The Vanilla Ice Project. Invest wisely, Ice promises in the below video, and you too can “pop your colla and make ’em holla”—although that’s obviously a generous estimate before taxes.

But if you really want to invest TO THE EXTREME ™, you should probably have a lot of cash to begin with sign up for a free one-on-one strategy session, where providing your cell phone number could net you “the most important call you’ve ever been on” with Ice himself. (Or more likely, one of Ice’s assistants.) And again, why not? After all, the former rapper obviously knows a thing or two about milking something for all it’s worth, having wisely funneled the proceeds from “Ice Ice Baby” into several houses back in the ’90s, and that brief sliver of fame into a career that is still going, against all odds. And of course, he’s great at turning old properties someone else built into huge profits; just look at what he did with Queen’s “Under Pressure.” [via AllHipHop]

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