You'll have to wait an extra month to see Spike Jonze's Her 

Much like Siri offers sultry-voiced assistance with guiding you to a nearby bar, only to coldly turn down your request to join you for a drink, the trailer for Spike Jonze’s Her now seems like one giant tease. Warner Bros. has pushed back the release from Nov. 20 to Dec. 18, meaning you’ll now have to wait an entire extra month to see Joaquin Phoenix romance his Scarlett Johansson-voiced computer while Amy Adams looks on and everybody tries not to mention Electric Dreams. The move puts Her in direct competition with another movie opening that day about guys obsessed with beautiful inanimate objects, George Clooney’s The Monuments Men, and also puts it squarely in the season when Oscar consideration reaches its peak. On the plus side, it also gives you plenty of time to work on getting Siri to be your date. Maybe start by asking directions to her heart.

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