Your Bob Benson theories have been heard by Matt Weiner and James Wolk, who are not government operatives (wink, wink) 

With Jessica Pare having issued her final, bone-chilling shriek about Mad Men theories concerning Megan Draper (FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!), Matthew Weiner and James Wolk are now addressing wild fan speculation regarding the true nature of Wolk’s character Bob Benson. The creator and co-star—who can neither confirm nor deny any official connections to the U.S. intelligence community—weighed in on the topic in separate interviews with the sort of circuitous language that is in no way typical of a government spy. “I’m not going to comment on whether or not he’s a government spy, but James is a great actor, and he is definitely mysterious,” Weiner told The Wrap, which failed to note whether or not Weiner was documenting the conversation with recording devices disguised as everyday objects like fountain pens or cufflinks.

For his part, Wolk avoided the spy question all together—just like a trained operative of the CIA or the FBI would. Instead, he threw up a smokescreen involving his delight at Benson conspiracies that involve time travel, before finishing his interview with Times reporter Dave Itzkoff by yelling at an imagined assistant named “Isaac” to maintain the ruse that he is a high-strung, demanding Hollywood actor and not a spook. (And not in the way that Roger Sterling would use that word.) Another factor to consider: Wolk and Weiner were not slipped the truth serum that’s so obviously in that second cup of coffee that Bob’s always carrying around. The A.V. Club assumes Weiner and Wolk will continue field (and ducking) questions of this nature through the end of Mad Men’s sixth season—unless they suddenly become occupied with protecting the interests of their real bosses while they attend the ongoing Bilderberg meeting in Watford, England. Because these Bob Benson conspiracy theories clearly go straight to the top! [Vulture]

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