Your favorite Undercover of 2016 was...

Your favorite Undercover of 2016 was...

Back in December, we asked you to vote for your favorite A.V. Undercover of 2016. After some pontificating about whether this was the worst or, like, the second-worst season you’ve ever seen, and how things were cooler when we were all a little younger, you chose… Julien Baker covering Death Cab For Cutie’s “Photobooth.” I was reminded this weekend that we hadn’t yet announced the winner after seeing Death Cab For Cutie singer-guitarist Ben Gibbard play a solo show with special guest Julien Baker. Apparently the short tour was inspired by Baker’s Undercover appearance, which is a nice thing to hear; the two even duetted on the song on Friday night in Chicago, and you can see some video of that below. But first, your choice for the top five of last year. No, we won’t share the bottom five. It’s a time to be nice, isn’t it?

Julien Baker covers Death Cab’s “Photobooth” (23 percent of total vote)

Shearwater covers Bauhaus’ “Kick In The Eye” (10 percent)

GWAR covers AC/DC “If You Want Blood (You Got It)“ (9 percent)

Le Butcherettes cover Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” (7 percent)

The Infamous Stringdusters cover The Killers’ “When You Were Young” (7 percent)

Ben Gibbard and Julien Baker play Death Cab’s “Photobooth”

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