Your ode to the Crunchwrap Supreme now has a home in the unofficial Taco Bell literary magazine

Your ode to the Crunchwrap Supreme now has a home in the unofficial Taco Bell literary magazine
Photo: NurPhoto

Which artist has not set down a Doritos-dusted taco and found themselves, mouth still humming with a medley of chemical-y spices, inspired to take up the pen in orange-coated fingers and write a paean to the great muse, Taco Bell? In the past, writers could spill any amount of ink on the subject, but would be tormented to know that no home existed for their work—that no publisher had been created willing to curate the world’s finest Taco Bell-centric essays, poems, and fiction in one place.

No longer. We are pleased to introduce the latest (and only?) literary magazine devoted to the fast food franchise: Taco Bell Quarterly.

The Quarterly, which published its second volume late last month, is created by volunteer writers and a staff headed up by “Editor Grand Supreme” M.M. Carrigan. On its homepage, it’s described as “a reaction against everything,” including “The gatekeepers. The taste-makers. The hipsters. Health food. Artists Who Wear Cute Scarves,” and, of course, “Bitch-ass Wendy’s.”

While the whole thing sounds like an elaborate joke, the rest of the description lets on why a literary magazine focused on Taco Bell makes a lot of sense. “We seek to demystify what it means to be literary, artistic, important, and elite,” the page goes on. “We think great writing can be about Taco Bell. We think trash can be beautiful. We inject rock and roll fun into writing, start beefs with other lit mags, and will not rest until we find out what Joyce Carol Oates’ go-to Taco Bell order is.”

To see what this looks like, readers can download the Quarterly’s first volume as a PDF or peruse the wealth of delicious items kept warm under the second volume’s heating lamps. There are poems like $1.07 and Fourth Meal, short stories such as Drive-Thru Boss, essays including Taco Bell Orders: Betrayal In Two Acts, and visual art like Taco Wasteland and Crunch Wrap Medical Chart.

The next volume is accepting submissions sometime this spring. In the meantime, Taco Bell Quarterly, which makes clear on the website that it’s “absolutely not affiliated with Taco Bell and [makes] no profits,” is happy to hear from anyone interested in “[supporting] the Taco Bell arts” by supporting the magazine so it can “use 100% of [its] funds to pay Taco Bell writers and artists.”

Read Taco Bell Quarterly for yourself by clicking on over here, or, if feeling particularly inspired by a stomach gunked up with too much melted cheese and crumbly beef, submit your pitches to what seems likely to become the most vibrant Taco Bell-inspired arts movement of our age.

[via Boing Boing]

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