YouTube scientist plays with hazardous chemicals to completely dissolve a hot dog

A groundbreaking experiment reveals that acid will, indeed, eat a hot dog

YouTube scientist plays with hazardous chemicals to completely dissolve a hot dog
Behold the wonders of the scientific process. Screenshot: NileRedShorts

YouTube is currently home to the world’s top rogue scientists—people whose experiments would have a hard time getting funding in the stuffy world of traditional academia but must be conducted nonetheless in order to fully enrich our understanding of the natural world.

Take, for example, NileRed Shorts, whose most recent video involves nothing more than seeing if a blend of extremely dangerous chemicals can be used to completely dissolve a hot dog.

“So, today, I’ve decided to dissolve my wiener in acid,” NileRed begins, wiggling a hot dog in a black-gloved hand. “I’m not just going to be using any acid, though. I’m going to be using something special called ‘piranha solution.’”

The view shifts to a vat of this “hot and angry mixture of sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.” The hot dog is placed in the devil juice, which blackens with carbon. NileRed adds more peroxide to vaporize the carbon and, eventually, the hissing, bubbling death concoction calms down.

“If any of this splashed on me it would do something very similar, which wouldn’t be super pleasant,” he explains in a matter-of-fact tone while the processed meat log disappears and the “piranha solution” clears.

He’s used this process (which can, apparently, easily become “explosive”) to annihilate other objects, too, like a piece of paper, fortune cookie, and a penny.

NileRed doesn’t just use his apparently healthy supply of hazardous chemicals to make solid objects disappear, though. He also puts his scientific expertise to work doing other stuff like making regular aspirin pills turn into a delicious mint flavor or extract “the slimy DNA” from a bunch of strawberries like a demented fruit torturer.

Thanks, NileRed. The world is a richer place for your willingness to risk burning off your own flesh to create these videos.

[via Digg]

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