YouTuber Nathan Barnatt tops Capt. Lou Albano's Mario dance with his own fancy footwork

YouTuber Nathan Barnatt tops Capt. Lou Albano's Mario dance with his own fancy footwork

Nathan Barnatt, the slapstick comedian and dancer better known as Borat of video games Keith Apicary, combines his love for fearlessly making a fool of himself in public and gaming with a new Super Mario Super Dance video. Barnatt's public displays of dance also feature cameos by podcasters and Nerdist regulars Jonah Ray and The Indoor Kids'  Emily Gordon and Kumail Nanjiani. The video features Barnatt in a full Mario getup dancing to a 16-bit inspired Super Mario World song in a wide variety of public scenes that have been seamlessly spliced together. It's an impressive piece of work, especially since he insists he's not using a green screen to magically transport himself around the western United States.

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