Zachary Levi pulled into NBC’s Heroes reboot

In the most eagerly received instance of something being born again since your college drinking buddy, NBC is pressing forward with Heroes Reborn, the 13-episode continuation of the Tim Kring series that proved it could sustain interest for at least that long. And now another NBC veteran is being conscripted back into service: Chuck star Zachary Levi, who’s joining Heroes in a “key role” that’s yet to be revealed. While Levi obviously has experience playing guys who suddenly have otherworldly power thrust upon them, no one’s saying explicitly that he’ll be among the new breed of superpowered individuals who spend most of their time lamenting the fact that they have superpowers.

That’s because the project itself remains “shrouded in mystery,” according to NBC’s Robert Greenblatt, who would only hint that—along with the already-confirmed Jack Coleman—“several of the old cast” would also appear. For his part, Levi told TV Line, “Chuck gave me the opportunity to wield some fun powers, but an entire world with superpowers is a world I’ve always wanted to explore.” “Yeah, us too,” said people who slogged through Heroes the first time.

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