Zack Snyder shares new black-and-white Justice League trailer with almost no new footage

Zack Snyder shares new black-and-white Justice League trailer with almost no new footage
Justice League Image: Warner Bros.

Earlier this month, on a day that happened to have some other significance (so you’d be forgiven for not giving a shit about it at the time), the trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League, a.k.a. “the Snyder Cut,” was pulled from YouTube over what was apparently a music rights dispute. The trailer was built around Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” which dedicated film buffs will recognize as a song that Snyder kind of likes, and at the time it seemed likely that the trailer would eventually be re-uploaded—either with “Hallelujah” or without it. Then everybody forgot about the Snyder Cut, because there was some even more nonsensical crap going on in real life with a megalomaniacal villain trying to take over the world (though it’s worth noting that Darkseid is at least a competent bad guy).

We’re still dealing with that (Darkseid would have the decency to concede), but now Zack Snyder is back with a brand new trailer for his new version of Justice League that is even better than the one that got pulled. Actually, it’s almost exactly the same, give or take maybe five seconds of new footage with Ray Fisher’s Cyborg, but now it’s all in black-and-white for some reason. Screen Crush notes that Snyder’s “ideal” version of Justice League would be in black-and-white, possibly because he’s un artiste, so hopefully this means the actual HBO Max miniseries version of Justice League will also be in black-and-white. That’s the kind of stupid/pointless creative decision that this thing is all about, right? What’s the point of catering to Snyder’s vision for this movie if you’re not going to give him every last thing he wants? Otherwise HBO Max would just be asking for another fan movement to come along and demand to see the “real” Snyder Cut—and we absolutely do not have the patience for that.

However many colors it has, Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be on HBO Max in 2021.

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