A Good Day To Die Hard

The new international trailer for A Good Day To Die Hard—in which Bruce Willis battles the specter of the '80s in more ways than one by blowing up Moscow—adds just slightly more context to that first teaser, featuring a few more scenes of smirking quiet in between the stuff exploding to confirm it's another Die Hard movie. First Mary Elizabeth Winstead provides the barest modicum of connection to the sequel's most immediate predecessor by giving Willis a ride to the airport, thus confirming to the audience that the filmmakers remember she exists. Then Willis exchanges a few terse words with his estranged son and a Russian cabbie, thus establishing that he still retains his weary sense of humor, and that John McClane's feelings remain as trapped inside him as an ordinary cop in an increasingly ridiculous situation. And yes, Willis even manages to work in his awkwardly censored catchphrase early, thus suggesting that the franchise will once again go the PG-13 route by eliminating any profanity that might make parents feel uncomfortable about their kids otherwise enjoying all the violence.

Then there's this poster, which attests to the fact that its marketing department is just like, "We're well aware that many people think this franchise is slipping into self-parody, so we're taking a joke gleaned from Internet comment boards and owning it as our tagline." There's also probably one in the hopper that reads, "Yippee Ki-Valentine's-Day." There's probably a rejected one that reads, "In Soviet Russia, Yay-Ki Yippee." Everyone involved with this isn't taking themselves too seriously, is what we're saying. That's probably a good thing.

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