A premise alone can’t carry a game, even if “octopus con man” is the premise

A premise alone can’t carry a game, even if “octopus con man” is the premise

Ryan Smith returns to The Digest today to discuss Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Ryan and I, like a number of other games critics, have been seeing Octodad in various forms for some time—at trade shows, in online teaser videos, and so on. We were looking forward to playing this game to see how the game’s goofy premise panned out when it was asked to carry a full-length quest. (Well, more or less full-length, depending on what that term means to you. It’s much longer than a demo, at least.) We were disappointed by the final product, but we still think the idea is inspired, and in the video we discuss the other directions it could still take.

The snacks today aren’t as traumatic as they were yesterday, but they still shock our taste buds. Our tasting of the second snack was cut for time; suffice to say that it was a bit less rancid-tasting than the monster-paw things that we eat on camera.

That brings this month’s Digest to an end—just two episodes this time, as my guest critic for the third game couldn’t make it to the taping. Don’t worry, it’s not a permanent change. Thanks as always for watching!

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