All In - The Poker Movie

Although the celebrity poker trend came and went somewhere around the early '00s, the game continues to enjoy immense popularity in the same places it always has—i.e. in casinos, underground clubs, and more recently online, even as the government shutdown of three major poker sites put its mainstream acceptance in doubt. The new documentary All In: The Poker Movie (which will be digitally released on iTunes tomorrow) uses that 2011 federal crackdown as the launching point for its exhaustive exploration of the game, wherein director Douglas Tirola talks to numerous players, social commentators, celebrity fans such as Matt Damon, and, of course, Kenny Rogers, to examine how poker can be so deeply interwoven in so much of American culture, yet still retain this image of being played primarily by rebels and outsiders. This American Life host Ira Glass speaks to this last misconception in this exclusive clip—because nothing argues against poker being just for "outlaws" than Ira Glass talking about it during a sunny day in the park.

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