Angie Everhart says Harvey Weinstein also masturbated in front of her

The mounting pile of stories about Harvey Weinstein’s allegedly predatory and criminal behavior toward women in the entertainment industry grew ever higher this morning, when actress and former model Angie Everhart went on KLOS radio to tell her own story of being exposed to Weinstein’s activities. The Sports Illustrated swimsuit model and Bordello Of Blood star says she once stayed on a boat at the Venice Film Festival several years ago, only to wake up with Weinstein standing over her, blocking the door.

I had just arrived and I was sleeping, I was in my bed. I wake up and Harvey is standing above my bed. That alone is frightening. All of the sudden he takes his pants down and starts doing his stuff. He’s blocking the door. I can’t get out and he—I don’t know how to say this on the radio, but he finishes on the carpet of the floor.

Everhart says that, after Weinstein climaxed, he told her, “You’re a really nice girl, you shouldn’t tell anybody about this.” Ignoring that “advice,” Everhart says she told several people also in attendance, but that nothing was done, because, “Nobody wanted to do anything about it because everyone was terrified of Harvey.”

In the wake of the reveal of several stories that sound, depressingly, pretty much exactly like this one, right down to the part where everyone just shrugs their shoulders and turns away, Weinstein has been fired from his role at the head of the Weinstein Co.; he’s also reportedly being investigated by a number of different police departments looking into the various allegations against him.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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