Anonymous L.A. street artist puts up posters claiming Meryl Streep knew about Harvey Weinstein's alleged acts

Meryl Streep has become the latest Hollywood A-lister to be targeted over her connections to the industry’s ongoing Harvey Weinstein scandal. Earlier this week, a series of anonymously deployed posters began appearing around Los Angeles, accusing the Oscar-winner of having unspoken knowledge of Weinstein’s alleged crimes.

As one of the industry’s elder statespeople—and someone who’s profited from multiple collaborations with Weinstein over the years—Streep has been carefully looked to for cues as the accusations built up around the now-ousted producer. She initially spoke up just a few days after the stories about Weinstein broke, calling the women who brought the accusations of assault and harassment against him to light “heroes.” But Streep also came under fire in recent weeks, after helping to organize a potential silent protest at the upcoming Golden Globes. Actress Rose McGowan—one of Weinstein’s alleged victims—called her out on Twitter with, “YOUR SILENCE is THE problem.” (McGowan later deleted the tweet.)

Streep has stated on more than one occasion that she had no knowledge of Weinstein’s behavior toward women, and has said she’s reached out to McGowan in an effort to make things right. Despite the posters’ anonymous assertions, she’s said, “I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the 90s when he attacked [McGowan], or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others. I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

[via Uproxx]

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