Anthony Weiner sentenced to 21 months in prison

As reported by Variety, former Congressman/failed New York mayoral candidate/serial “sexter” Anthony Weiner has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for sending graphic photos to a 15-year-old girl. If you agree with Hillary Clinton’s argument that James Comey’s stupid decision to reopen the investigation into her private email server just days before the 2016 election ended up swaying things in favor of Donald Trump, then basically the entire garbage pit that the Trump administration has tossed us into can partially be blamed on Anthony Weiner’s insistence on sending photos of his dick to people.

After all, when Weiner suddenly got himself embroiled in this latest sexting scandal, the FBI seized his emails and figured that there might be some Clinton stuff in there in addition to all of the nude photos because of Weiner’s marriage to Clinton aide Huma Abedin. There wasn’t, but Trump won anyway and now everybody (including Anthony Weiner himself) has to suffer the consequences of his stupid penis.

Weiner went to court in May of this year, entering a guilty plea and saying, “these destructive impulses brought great devastation to my family and friends, and destroyed my life’s dream in public service.” He also admitted that he has “a sickness” and said he was seeking mental health treatment. Weiner’s charge for sending obscene material to a minor came with a maximum of 10 years in prison, but prosecutors at the time said they were looking for a more “fair and appropriate term.” Evidently, they settled on 21 months, which was at the low end of what they initially said they were hoping for.

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