Anya Taylor-Joy teases Furiosa, says she can’t drive a car but can do a “juicy 180 in a truck”

The hype machine for Max Max: Fury Road prequel Furiosa is revving up

Anya Taylor-Joy teases Furiosa, says she can’t drive a car but can do a “juicy 180 in a truck”
Anya Taylor-Joy Photo: Manny Carabel

Anya Taylor-Joy is doing the rounds, promoting her upcoming movie The Menu with Nicholas Hoult, but she also just recently came off of shooting Furiosa—the highly anticipated prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road, in which she stars as a younger version of Charlize Theron’s instantly iconic wasteland trucker. That means, regardless of whether or not The Menu is any good (it’s apparently pretty good!), we all get to talk about freakin’ Mad Max again! WITNESS ME! SHINY AND CHROME! DO NOT BECOME ADDICTED TO WATER! Fuck yeah, what a good fucking movie.

Ahem. Anyway, Furiosa: Speaking with Entertainment Weekly recently, Taylor-Joy said it was the longest shoot she’s ever done and that it will probably take her two years “to be able to digest what happened,” with her telling IndieWire in a separate chat that it was “the dirtiest and bloodiest” she’s ever been—“Which is saying something, genuinely saying something,” she notes. She also told EW that Hoult (who played lovable War Boy Nux in Fury Road) talked to her a bit about working in the Mad Max universe, telling her, “You’ve got this, you’re going to be okay, and you’ve definitely go it in you to handle it.” Fury Road was a famously difficult shoot for everybody involved, so it is probably a good thing if Hoult was so encouraging and so confident in her ability to handle it.

Back on IndieWire, Taylor-Joy revealed that—despite now starring in a movie about a car-obsessed wasteland—she doesn’t know how to drive… at least under normal circumstances: “I don’t actually have a license, so I can’t drive. I can’t on a highway, I can’t parallel park, but if you need me to do a juicy 180 in a truck, I can do that and not hit the camera people, which is great.” She says she wants to get a stunt driving certificate, so she can do all of her own driving in movies now, but she’s worried about getting a regular license because, as she explains, “if a driving instructor gets in a car with me, all I know how to do is crazy stunt driving.”

Crazy stunt driving! Mad Max is coming back! SHINY AND CHROME!

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