Artist details "sexual relationship" he had with Kevin Spacey when he was 14

In an interview with Vulture, a 48-year-old artist has come forward with claims that he had a sexual relationship with Kevin Spacey in 1983 when he was 14 and Spacey was 24. The man chose to go unnamed, explaining that he “worked really had to have a nice life and feel safe,” and he says he’s not “giving that up” for Spacey. The man says he met Spacey in 1981 at an acting class, but “there was no physical attention” or “grooming” from Spacey at the time. The next time they met was in line at Shakespeare In The Park in 1983, shortly after Spacey had made his Broadway debut. Space gave him his phone number, and they started a “sexual relationship” not long after that.

The man goes into pretty exhaustive detail in his account of their “relationship” to Vulture, describing what was in Spacey’s apartment at the time and explaining that they began having sex from their first visit after meeting again in the park, with the man saying that it, “mostly involved me fucking him.” The man says he met up with Spacey “three or four more times” after that, with them both saying they loved each other and Spacey offering to get him auditions for plays—though nothing ever came of that. The man says he was working as a child actor at the time, so it seemed “very glamorous” to have a 24-year-old boyfriend and he says he got “very caught up in the drama.”

Near the end of that year, though, the two of them met up again before the man—who had turned 15 by this point—was supposed to get dinner with his parents. He expected that he and Spacey would just kiss quickly, but Spacey allegedly indicated that he wanted more. “I guess he must have come up behind me and yanked down my baggy jeans” the man says, “and he goes to fuck me and I’m like, ‘No, I don’t want to.’” He claims that Spacey tried to rape him, but he was eventually able to push him off and run out of the apartment.

He tried to contact Spacey a year later but thought better of it and refused a request from Spacey to meet up again, and he started to feel “rage” as Spacey became more famous and he realized that he’d have to “look at this person for the rest of [his] life.” The man now believes that Spacey is “a pedophile and a sexual predator,” adding that he would call him that to his face, and he decided to come forward now because he thought Spacey’s apology after the similar allegations from Anthony Rapp was “repulsive” and “profoundly narcissistic.” He says he has also carried “low-level guilt” ever since this all allegedly happened because “these people repeat offend,” and he wanted to do the “right thing.”

Spacey, for the record, has denied all of this.

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