Bill Nye hits Disney with $9 million unpaid Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!

Taking a break from Saving The World for Netflix, Bill Nye has launched a $9 million lawsuit against Disney and ABC, claiming that the companies used unscrupulous accounting practices to deny him and several of his business partners millions of dollars in royalties. Per The Hollywood Reporter, the case stems from Nye’s deal—signed, once upon a time, with Buena Vista Television—for his beloved kids’ science show Bill Nye The Science Guy, which stated that Nye and his producing partners would receive half the profits from the program going forward. The suit claims that various (possibly intentional) accounting errors caused the payments to be massively undervalued, and that, when he approached Disney to rectify things, he was told he would have to wait years in line for the auditing process to begin. When the investigation finally occurred, Nye contends that Disney failed to show any documentation backing up its claims.

It’s not clear if this case will actually go to trial, or if it’ll be hushed up as the two parties find some kind of amicable settlement for the dispute. We can only hope it’s the former, though, because we’re pretty sure that hypothetical courtroom would see some of the most kickass (but also kid-safe and educational) exhibits of evidence the legal world had ever seen.

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