Black Panther Vs. Deadpool enters its final round in this exclusive preview

Black Panther Vs. Deadpool enters its final round in this exclusive preview

Marvel has been pitting Deadpool against different heroes for years in assorted Vs. miniseries, but the publisher has discovered an especially rewarding character dynamic in Black Panther Vs. Deadpool, which contrasts the king of Wakanda’s stoic personality with Deadpool’s wacky, uncontrollable energy. Written by former Clickhole associate editor Daniel Kibblesmith with art by Ricardo López Ortiz, colorist Felipe Sobreiro, and letterer Joe Sabino, this miniseries is an expectedly meta look at the how these types of superhero fights-turned-team-ups tend to unfold, but it also has surprising depth. T’Challa seems to have discovered the key to immortality using Wakandan technology and Vibranium, and while he’s dealing with a madcap mercenary, he’s also faced with a major dilemma as he weighs the pros and cons of becoming Wakanda’s eternal king.

This exclusive preview of next week’s Black Panther Vs. Deadpool #5 kicks off the miniseries’ last issue with the irreverent humor and exhilarating action that has defined the story, taking the two heroes to New Jersey for the final round of their brawl. This creative team has phenomenal chemistry, with Ortiz amplifying all of the story beats with exaggerated expressions and dynamic fight choreography that captures all the speed and power of these opponents. Sobreiro’s coloring makes moments pop with vibrant gradients and graphic touches, and the skills he honed coloring the Luther Strode series (arguably one of the greatest action comics of all time) takes Ortiz’s fight scenes to even greater heights. Deadpool’s over-the-top nature is reinforced by Sabino’s word balloons, which have Deadpool’s dialogue bursting through the edges when he gets especially worked up, and the lettering plays a vital role in the comedy. It’s easy to overlook this series in the sea of Deadpool Vs. books, but readers looking for an exciting, entertaining superhero team-up will find a lot to enjoy in these pages.

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