Bruce Wayne reports for jury duty in this exclusive preview of Batman #51 

Bruce Wayne reports for jury duty in this exclusive preview of Batman #51 

(This preview reveals plot points for Batman #50.)

How do you pick up the pieces after your heart has been shattered? Bruce Wayne is dealing with profound disappointment after being left at the altar by Selina Kyle, and he’s coping by throwing himself into his work—and crossing some serious ethical lines in the process. He’s always operated outside the law as Batman, but now he’s taking an active part in the legal process by serving as a juror in a case complicated by his personal bias. Batman put Mr. Freeze behind bars, and now Bruce Wayne is heading to court to keep him there. It’s a totally inappropriate move, undercutting the justice system on a level that suggests Bruce has lost faith in humanity and will do anything to take complete control over a situation.

King has collaborated with some exceptional artists during his Batman run, and after working with King on two one-shots, Lee Weeks jumps onto the ongoing series for this new arc. Weeks’ artwork has been significantly elevated by the colors of Elizabeth Breitweiser, whose creamy rendering pairs beautifully with his rich inking. This exclusive preview of this week’s Batman #51 highlights just how phenomenal this art team is, particularly when it comes to contrasting Bruce’s civilian experience in court with the sensational escapades of his costumed crime-fighting.

The jury duty process is presented with calm compositions and gentle coloring, but those visuals elements intensify when we see Batman fighting Mr. Freeze. The shot of Batman dangling the villain from a rooftop is a masterful interpretation of an act we’ve seen many times before, and this issue is full of stunning moments that showcase Weeks’ and Breitweiser’s impeccable understanding of Batman’s world.

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