Bryan Cranston says he’s going to retire and move to France in a few years

After conquering both comedy and drama, Bryan Cranston is preparing to take a well-deserved break

Bryan Cranston says he’s going to retire and move to France in a few years
Bryan Cranston Photo: Andreas Rentz

Bryan Cranston (appearing next in Asteroid City) has achieved a lot in his career. He was the star of a hit Fox sitcom, the star of a hit drama, and he even played Zordon in the underrated Power Rangers movie reboot. Now, with no worlds left to conquer (those are the main three), Cranston has announced that he’s going to shut down his production company and retire… for at least six months. In several years.

So this isn’t especially dramatic, and it doesn’t mean that we’ll never get to see Bryan Cranston again, but it does sound like he’s really looking forward to taking a break. This comes from GQ UK, which says that Cranston revealed that he’s going to retire once he turns 70 in 2026, if only for six months, so he and his wife can go “live in a small village and learn the language and how to cook and grow a garden” in some foreign country. It sounds like he’s leaning toward France, and he tells GQ that he’s doing this specifically for his wife and all the support she has given him during his career.

“She’s had to pivot and adjust her life based on mind,” he said. “She has tremendous beneft from it, but we’re uneven. I want to level that out. She deserves it.” Cranston imagines himself going on little trips and sitting by a fire place and having time to “drink win with new friends and not read scripts,” and goddamn, that sounds lovely (if only we were all lucky enough to be married to Bryan Cranston).

The rest of the GQ chat dips into Cranston’s complex “CAPS” system (which stands for Cranston Assessment Of Project Scale), wherein he weighs various factors of a potential project to decide it it’s worth doing. It sounds like a lot of work, though it has clearly brought him success, so it makes sense that he’s looking forward to completely abandoning show biz (and North America) in a couple of years.

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