Call Of Duty movie director names 2 somewhat predictable stars he'd like to enlist

Everyone but the most dedicated fan of the single-player campaigns in Call Of Duty games would have a hard time listing any crucial details about any of the main characters beyond “one guy wore a ski mask with a skull” or “one guy had a big mustache and a bucket hat.” Because of that, the live-action Call Of Duty movie is in an interesting place when it comes to who it can cast, unlike something with an established and iconic hero like Super Mario. Without needing to adhere to a strict canon, the Call Of Duty movie can just grab interchangeable hero-types, put them in some military fatigues, and call it a day.

As it turns out, director Stefano Sollima even has his eye on a pair of somewhat interchangeable hero-types for his Call Of Duty movie, with Metro reporting that he says he’d love to cast Tom Hardy and Chris Pine as his leads (though neither one is officially in talks just yet). He has some nice things to say about them and he suggests that they’ll be good for whatever he’s envisioning for this movie, but the most important thing is that nobody will balk at them cautiously navigating an enemy-controlled village in some foreign country while carrying automatic weapons and whispering realistic military jargon—”cover me,” “360 no-scope,” etc.—to each other.

Plus, on top of their whole unoffensive handsomeness and action dude competence, both Pine and Hardy aren’t on the surprisingly long list of famous Hollywood people who have actually provided voiceover work for a Call Of Duty game. This movie would be lucky to get actual Call Of Duty veterans like Gary Oldman, Ed Harris, Michael Keaton, or Idris Elba, even if one of them were to just play a character whose defining characteristic is that he has a big mustache.

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