Carrie Fisher’s final film is finally getting released

Carrie Fisher wrapped on Wonderwell six weeks before she died

Carrie Fisher’s final film is finally getting released
Carrie Fisher Photo: Alberto Rodriguez (Getty Images for US-IRELAND ALLIANCE)

After seven “perilous” years in the wild, Carrie Fisher’s final film, Wonderwell, will see release. Fisher died six weeks after she wrapped the film.

A fantastical coming-of-age story, Wonderwell stars Kiera Milward as Violet, an American girl living in Italy with her parents and older sister Savannah, played by Servant’s Tiger Free. After the family moves to Tuscany so Savannah can take a model gig, Violet meets Hazel, described by the film’s Instagram as “an extravagant and powerful witch of the forest.” There’s no trailer for the film, but Instagram also shows off the film’s look, giving us an idea of the film’s fantastical elements and what Carrie Fisher looked like playing the lute.

Director Vlad Marsavin said the “perilous” seven-year journey was due to COVID lockdowns. Also, visual effects “on a movie of this magnitude takes time.”

Marsavin and Fisher’s co-star Rita Ora praised their late colleague. Maintaining Fisher’s public image as the patron saint of having a good time, Marsavin reminisced about the time Fisher invited the team to celebrate her 60th birthday and having the party shut down by police because “it was deemed a little too loud.”

“Working alongside Carrie Fisher was one of those experiences that you never forget,” said Rita Ora. “I can’t wait for the world to see this intriguing and magical world of Wonderwell.”

In July 2021, Wonderwell producer Lee Rudnicki blogged about Fisher’s final scene. He wrote:

In fact, if you were an actor, and you knew with 100% certainly [sic] this was your last day on Earth, this is a scene you might design to say goodbye to your fans. Carrie’s last line is about life itself — I won’t spoil it here, but it is genius, if not heart breaking.

Finally, a tear ran down my cheek.

And then Carrie disappears…. Princess Leia is gone, forever.

And then, in that theater last night, I had goosebumps like I have never experienced in my life. The scene is golden, a magical final curtain call for a very special actress and woman who left this Earth far too soon.

Wonderwell is currently ironing out a limited run at AMC theaters but will be available digitally on June 23.

[via Deadline]

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