Congo Bongo

A hunter is peacefully sleeping in his tent when that impish Bongo shows up and sets him on fire. Oh Bongo, you incorrigible little scamp! Most gorillas would be happy with a simple mauling, but you had to take it to the next level with a hilarious practical joke! Unfortunately, the hunter is not amused. In Congo Bongo, you'll don his pith helmet and pursue that pyromaniac gorilla across the Congo on a quest for revenge.

Gameplay: You start out on Primate Peak, where Bongo tosses coconuts at you, and little monkeys try to slow your relentless ascent. The monkeys will hinder your jumping, but the coconuts will kill you (just like in the real jungle), so be careful! Level two is a treacherous trip across a pond, where you'll have to avoid scorpions and snakes, and level three puts a bunch of charging rhinos between you and your quarry. The final level is a journey across a lagoon on the backs of hippos and fish, Frogger-style. At the end, you'll find a sleeping Bongo and give him that time-tested physical-comedy gag, a hot foot. Ah, 256 colors of Three Stooges-esque revenge was never so sweet.

Could be mistaken for: Q*Bert, Frogger, Donkey Kong

Kids today might not like it because: They quickly run out of different ways to say, "That's such bullshit! I fucking jumped!"

Kids today might like it because: The music, characters, and animations are just too much fun, and the gameplay is just challenging enough to keep you dropping in quarter after quarter. Or hitting "continue" on your emulator.

Enduring contribution to gaming history: As players went to new levels in Congo Bongo, the world of the Congo unfolded beneath them, giving a sense of continuity that was perfected in Crystal Castles, and that laid the foundation for world-spanning games like Super Mario Brothers

Wil Wheaton blew it all up, you damn dirty ape!

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