Corey Feldman has named one of his alleged abusers

Corey Feldman has long contended that he and his friend Corey Haim were molested when they were kids by men working in the movie industry. For years, though, Feldman has declined to name the people in question, stating that he felt doing so would endanger himself and his family. Now he’s finally revealed at least one of those people’s identities, going on The Dr. Oz Show today to accuse actor John Grissom—whose only IMDB credits are two Feldman/Haim films, License To Drive and Dream A Little Dream—of sexually assaulting him in his youth.

This is per Rolling Stone, which also notes that the televised segment includes discussions of Grissom’s prior arrest record, which includes a 2001 charge of child molestation, and a sequence in which Feldman calls the LAPD to report the incident after years of avoiding the police. According to Oz, Feldman also privately revealed the names of several other accused abusers to him.

Late last month, Feldman launched a crowdfunding campaign to make a film about his experiences, stating that it was “the best way” to “get to the bottom of the truth.” He also cited what he sees as serious security risks to revealing the information.

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