Dallas Buyers Club 

Last awards season, Matthew McConaughey learned he had to drop his pants to get a trophy. So this year he’s really going for it, dropping nearly 40 pounds of tight, binding skin and muscle to play an HIV-positive man in Dallas Buyers Club. Based on the true story of Ron Woodroof, the film finds McConaughey’s cowboy rebel being diagnosed during the '80s outbreak of the AIDS epidemic, at a time when the law said you could not touch experimental drugs that offered the only hope for treatment. But McConaughey sees a lotta laaaaaaawbreakers up in here tonight—specifically a motley crew of fellow sufferers, like Jared Leto’s equally scarily thin transvestite, with whom he conspires to smuggle in meds and struggle for acceptance. If McConaughey had to drop his pants to get just a Spirit Award, then surely dropping so much of his body mass—as well as any lingering vestige of vanity that colored his rom-com work—will get him all the awards?

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