Disney rights history’s greatest wrong, returns mermaid’s butt to Splash

After digitally altering a fairly chaste nude butt for the Disney+ release of Splash, the Mouse House corrected its horrible, unforgivable mistake

Disney rights history’s greatest wrong, returns mermaid’s butt to Splash
Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks Photo: Disney+

When Disney+ first launched 36 months ago, one thing stood out to millions of viewers: Was Daryl Hannah’s butt always so blurry?

As we celebrated another 11/12 in solemn commemoration of the day Disney+ launched, we were reminded of Splash, the little movie Disney censored because it didn’t want kids to find out that butts exist. When the streaming service hit the internet on that fateful day, many viewers did what any normal Disney+ subscriber would do and fired up Splash. What they found, they would not soon forget. Daryl Hannah’s long blonde hair flowed past her lower back, creating a merkin of sandy seaweed where the mermaid’s butt should be.

But, at least, dear reader, our waking nightmare is at an end. Per CBR, Disney relented and upgraded the butt-less version on Disney+ in 4k, giving Hannah’s character a bit of a haircut and restoring her butt to its proper place.


Now, if you’re desperate to see the full, uncut version of Splash that was too wild for Disney+, you’ll have to dive into the streamer’s parental controls. CBR notes that the company updated its parental controls to make room for all those Netflix Marvel shows, which show an edgier, more disregarded side of the MCU.

Disney has begun reeling back some of its strong stances on censorship. This probably has to do with the fact that their biggest cash cows are Star Wars and Marvel, which, despite mostly bloodless violence, feature a whole bunch of people getting killed. For example, in the film Avengers: Infinity War, a character named Thanos kills roughly 4 billion people. When you think about it, though, most of Thanos’ victims had butts, so technically, he was just doing Disney’s dirty work.

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