Dustin Diamond taught Robert Pattinson everything he knows about Hot Pockets

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to write a news story about former Saved By The Bell star Dustin Diamond without using words like “parole violation,” “sex tape,” or “barroom stabbing.” So it’s actually kind of nice to get reminded of Diamond’s softer side, courtesy of a recent radio interview with Twilight and Good Time star Robert Pattinson, who waxed nostalgic on the time he and Diamond were roommates.

Talking to Ryan Seacrest, Pattinson discussed his early days in L.A., rooming with Diamond in one of the city’s famous Oakwood apartments, a hotspot for up-and-coming talent. “I loved it. I really miss it,” said Pattinson, who’s currently being praised for a career-best performance in new crime thriller Good Time. Diamond even apparently introduced the British actor to the beauties of American fine dining: “Dustin was the first person to introduce me to Hot Pockets!” Pattinson enthused.

[via Page Six]

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