Earnest bro urges the L.A. City Council to uphold the sanctity of chugging with the boys

For too long, the name Chad Kroeger has been associated with Canadian butt-rock act Nickelback. It’s time for that to change, as this “activist and house party enthusiast” is now the only Chad Kroeger we need in our lives. “Kroeger,” no doubt a clever alias, took to the floor of the Los Angeles City Council recently to speak out against the city’s move to “outlaw house parties in the Hollywood Hills.”

What follows is an fervent plea to “stop this future atroxity [sic]” and preserve the sanctity of “chugging with [the] boys.”

It’s clearly a prank, but it’s a deftly executed one. Literally every word out of this dude’s mouth is perfect, from his delivery of the name “Boomer Kingsley” to his earnest declaration that “it was epic, and I was super-stoked.” It would be an atroxity if it doesn’t enter the public lexicon.

What most fans of the video are missing, however, is that Kroeger was joined by another bro, J.T. Parr, who credits partying with helping him get over his worry about whether or not he could “bench two plates.”

“I discovered I was great at raging,” Parr says, and it’s impossible not to feel for someone so in touch with their passion.

Despite only putting up with their foolishness for a short spell, City Council president Herb J. Wesson Jr. was clearly amused by the boys. “Thank you, thank you,” he says after Parr’s speech. “I want to welcome you to L.A. council’s Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure.”

Somebody get these guys a cameo in that upcoming sequel.

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